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Frequently Asked Questions


What size dumpster do I need?


How long are the dumpster rentals?

10 days, 7 business days.


Do you automatically pick up the dumpster when the rental days are up?

​No, the customer must call and inform the office personnel that they are finished with the dumpster, or if you need it longer than the allotted time. There is a daily fee of 25.00 for going over the allotted rental days without contacting the office.


What can I or can I NOT put in the dumpster?


Can I have my dumpster placed on the street?

Yes, you can, however; you must inform the office personnel so they can apply for an On Street Permit which is 35.00


How many portable toilets do I need?


Which portable restroom should I get?


If I submit an order today what is the earliest my unit will be delivered?

While we strive for same day service, we do require a least a 24-hour notice for deliveries with a guarantee delivery within a 3-day business period. 

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